Animals missing since storm hit petting zoo

The weekend storms blasted a private petting zoo near Marana and left the zoo operators hunting for animals lost in the storm. There is a lot of rebuilding ahead for Ghost Ranch Exotics. You know how over at Davis-Monthan they call the A-10 the warthog because its...

Prepare for a stunning double-supermoon display in August

Big, bright lunar displays will bookend August as the moon nears its closest point to Earth. When the moon reaches this position in its orbit while also appearing full, the result is a supermoon and there will be two this month. The first of the supermoons will peak...

Salt River Tubing bans marshmallows due to littering

If youre heading out to the Salt River anytime soon, know that a sweet, sticky treat is no longer allowed. The owners of Salt River Tubing announced they are banning marshmallows as people float the river. Despite the record-breaking, sweltering heat, Peter Hill, the...