Perched on a hill in Sonoita, Ariz. is the Santa Rita Abbey. It over looks the trees and the mountains as silence envelops the entire area. The chirping birds and the wind’s song between the trees are the only sounds that pierce the silence.
But get closer to the abbey and the sounds of song and prayer fills he air. They’re from a group of cloistered contemplative nuns, which means their way of life centers around prayer and staying at the abbey.
“Seven times a day we stop our work and pray, Sister Vicki, the prioress of the abbey, said. We support ourselves here by making altar breads.
But soon their stories will be on the big screen in a new documentary by local filmmaker Vicki Westover called ‘Final Vows’. For over four years, Westover worked on this documentary, not only filming the nuns but gaining their trust and respect.
“We had to have many months of serious conversations before they were okay with letting us start this,” Westover said.
The documentary will screen at the Fox Theatre, 17 W. Congress St., on Sunday, Sept. 8 at 2 p.m.