Residents of the Links neighborhood in Oro Valley are voicing concerns over dust problems at the Conquistador Golf Course, which runs through their community. The dust is not only an eyesore but also poses potential health hazards.

Neighbors are particularly worried about the dust stirred up by monsoon winds, which they say can become hazardous.

“When the storms come, the dust really gets to a level that is quite concerning,” said Mike Zinkin, a 26-year resident of Oro Valley. Video footage taken behind Zinkin’s home shows dust swirling during a storm.

Zinkin emphasized the health risks, noting that the dust infiltrates patios and homes, creating respiratory issues for residents. According to the Arizona Department of Health, dust can negatively impact respiratory systems, particularly in children and older adults.

“Valley fever is [also a possibility] because it lives in the soil,” said Chris Kruetz, who lives next to Zinkin.

He echoed Zinkins sentiments while expressing that they support the towns efforts to reduce irrigation costs and conserve water.

“At the same time, put something down, and it seems to us rock makes the most sense,” Kruetz said, suggesting rocks as a low-maintenance solution.

Councilman Mo Green agreed with the residents, noting that other areas of the same golf course already use rocks. However, he mentioned budget constraints as a reason for the slow progress. “Right now its not in the budget, and thats why this is kind of getting slow walked,” Green said.

A statement from the town’s parks and recreation addressing the concerns read as follows:

As part of the Town of Oro Valleys ongoing effort to conserve water and decrease the use of potable water across our community, the Town reduced certain areas of irrigated turf near several tee boxes and fairways on the El Conquistador Golf Course. The Town is actively assessing the most effective solutions to mitigate any subsequent dust issues. The Parks and Recreation Department, in collaboration with our golf management contractor, Indigo Golf, is exploring various options to address this matter. The Town is also collaborating with the nearby homeowner’s association. The Town is evaluating various cost-effective approaches to address the issue.