The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive in Oro Valley to honor Hispanic Heritage Month. The event, named ‘Los Donates,’ aims to encourage diverse blood donations critical for hospital needs.

Francisco Munoz, a Red Cross board member, mentioned the importance of the event, saying, “Every two seconds, people need blood.” He described ‘Los Donates’ as a community celebration, encouraging participation and support for blood donation.

Donor Yessica Lemos shared her motivation for donating, explaining that her daughter required a blood transfusion as a preemie. “Me donating makes me feel that I’m giving something back,” she said. Lemos mentioned the significance of Latino donations, noting that 60% of the community has type O blood, which is in high demand.

The event is today from 10 a.m. to noon, at the at the Red Cross Foothills Blood and Platelet Donation Center, 7354 N. La Cholla Blvd, and anyone is welcome to come donate or volunteer.