The Town of Marana wants to hear your feedback on their Transportation Master Plan which will guide the towns transportation investments for the next couple decades.
The plan includes short-term and long-term projects which range from roadway maintenance projects to traffic interchange improvements.
The town has grown extraordinarily fast, Diahn Swartz, traffic manager with the Town of Marana said.
The growth of the town means more drivers on the road, and with more growth expected, the town wants to have a plan in place.
In terms of attracting businesses and attracting residents and serving our residents and providing five star service, we need to make sure that we have the transportation capacity to meet all those needs, Swartz said.
Work on the plan started about 18 months ago. Swartz said they started by gathering community input, which was followed by conducting modeling with a consultant.
Projects included roadway projects, widening projects, new roadways, multimodal projects including bike paths and different bike facilities and also some public transit, Swartz said.
Comments must be received by August 16. The plan will then go to the Town of Mayor council.
I do want to encourage people to be involved and to look at the plan and make any comments that they have, Swartz said.