An autobody shop on the north side of town is sharing a little piece of Tucson all over the world, and it’s all for a good cause. They’re hoping you’ll get involved on your next vacation.
Bucks Automotive might just have the cutest mascot around. He’s a 2-year-old Yorkshire terrier named Buck.
His owners, Mike and Rene Nicholson also own Bucks Automotive. Ever since they bought the shop six years ago, they give veterans free oil changes and tire rotations in November, they hold collection drives for school supplies and toys. And sometimes they’ll even trade food donations for discounts.
But they say it was their first few days as the owners of the shop, that solidified them wanting to support PACC.
“When we purchased Buck’s, we ended up with Covid,” Rene Nicholson explained. “So we just had our dogs from PACC that we could love and hold on to, because nobody else was around! And we made a list of all the things that we wanted to do in our community, and PACC was definitely one of them.”
Along with their rescues, Biscuit and Lori, they got Buck. Soon, the plushy Buck followed, as Mike Nicholson got creative with a new fundraiser.
“This promotion we started about two years ago,” he said. “People come in and buy this plushy, and all the proceeds go to Friends of PACC. And then they take him with them on their travels, and take photos of all these different destinations and landmarks and cool places that they go to, and they send them to us, and we post them.”
Not only do they donate the money from the sales of the toy Bucks, the Nicholsons make their own donations whenever they get a photo from a new place or somewhere exciting.
And Buck has been all over the world. He’s been in a fighter jet, he’s been to Europe, the South Pacific, South America, Samoa, Hawaii, just to name a few spots.
“He’s been to most of the states, not all of them,” Mike said. “Almost every day I get a new picture. I just got one from South Carolina, and Buck was in Minnesota and Wisconsin last week.”
KGUN’s Claire Graham even picked up a Buck for her own vacation to Chicago and Milwaukee. Her son brought him to the airport and the zoo, Buck even went to a concert.
Upon her return, Bucks was able to donate $1,000 to Friends of PACC.
The group’s operations manager, Laura O’Brien, says seeing small purchases turn into something so big, is incredible.
“While people don’t think it will, it makes a big difference,” O’Brien said. “Because we’re able to contribute it to the pot and make a significant impact with the animals at Pima Animal Care Center.”
So the next time you go on vacation, the Nicholsons are just hope you’ll think about bringing Buck along — or at least a stuffed one.
“You know, the animals, they need help, PACC needs help, and Friends of PACC is here for them,” Mike said. “And we’re just delighted to be able to help out. I’m sure we’ve done a few thousand dollars over the past couple of years, and there’s plenty more to come.”
If you’d like to buy a plushy Buck, you can go to Buck’s Automotive at 4360 N 1st Avenue. The toys cost $25 each.
When you come back from vacation, you just scan the QR code on the toy’s tag, and you’ll be able to upload your photos. You can see them on the Buck’s Automotive Facebook page, or on their website.