Sixteen individuals celebrated Thursday evening as they turned a new leaf in life following completing the Pima County Adult Probation Departments drug court or DTAP program.

“Today is all about a day of appreciation. A day that I earned,” said graduate Valerie Lopez.

Another graduate, Troy Adams, said, “Its closing one chapter in my life and beginning a new chapter.”

Lopez and Adams were two of Thursday’s 16 graduates who spoke with KGUN 9 prior to receiving their certificates.

For Lopez, she completed drug court after a years-long battle with addiction.

“My journeys been rough. I fought a battle with addiction for many years,” she said. “I lost a lot in life and gained it all back with this program. It saved my life.”

For Adams, his battle with addiction would land him behind bars more than once, causing him to miss the birth of his son after being locked up for a probation violation. He says without the Drug Treatment Alternative to Prison program, his second chance may have never come.

“Ive been on DTAP now for about three years. Ive had ups and downs, relapses. I fell and got back up,” Adams said. “I have a job, I have a family. Im in my sons life. I love my son to death, and these are all things brought to me through DTAP.”

As these graduates now turn to leave a positive impact on their community, they leave a message for others out there hoping for their second chance.

“Theres always time to change. You can be 18 or 80. If you want to really put in the time and effort to change, and you want to start being honest with yourself, you can change,” Adams said to others out there who are in a tough place.