Richard Thompson was riding in his first El Tour de Tucson several years ago when he noticed others wearing Tu Nidito cycling jerseys.
“I started asking what it is, and they started explaining what Tu Nidito does,” said Thompson.
Tu Nidito is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing grief and bereavement support to those in southern Arizona.
“Really helping the children and their families through some difficult times in their lives.”
Thompson decided to become involved.
“It just really spoke to me.”
Thompson can relate, as he has family members whose children passed away at a young age.
“It’s really great to see that we have services, here.”
Thompson is also an avid cyclist, and he’s part of a race team named Bicycle Ranch.
“It’s a grassroots team, a small group of individuals who are passionate about cycling.”
Years after the day he learned more about Tu Nidito, Thompson has become chair of the Tu Nidito board.
“It’s quite humbling and an honor.”
And, in the 40th El Tour de Tucson, Tu Nidito returns as an official beneficiary. Thompson will help lead a team of more than forty cyclists who are on track to raise thirty thousand dollars to support Tu Nidito families.
“It’s critical for use to provide our services.”
This Saturday, Thompson will put on his cycling gloves and combine two passions; riding, and helping a cause close to his heart.
“For me, it is great to have the ability to give back and be part of Tu Nidito. I’m helping families in the community.”