As Thanksgiving approaches, families across the country are preparing to make holiday meals, but for some, it can be costly. Despite a reported 4.5% decrease in overall Thanksgiving meal costs by the Farm Bureau from last year, many families still find it challenging to afford the average expense of $64 to feed a family of 10.

In response to this financial strain, the Arizona Rangers Sonoita Company took a proactive step to ensure that local families could enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Today, they distributed 20 boxes of Thanksgiving dinners to families in need, a gesture aimed at alleviating the burden of holiday expenses.

Captain Bart Lawrence, who has been working with the Arizona Rangers for five years, explained the motivation behind the initiative. The Arizona Rangers, typically engaged in law enforcement assistance, wanted to extend their support to the community, recognizing the financial challenges faced by some residents.

“We also want to give back to the community, and we know there are people in this community who are having hard times, especially with the cost of food going up so much,” Lawrence said.

Teaming up with Bruce Bracher and Villa’s Market, the Arizona Rangers were able to assemble and distribute the Thanksgiving dinner boxes, which included holiday essentials such as turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and more.

“We elected to do 20 Thanksgiving dinners with the help of Bruce Bracher and Villas market,” Lawrence stated.

While the majority of the boxes are designated for seniors who may have difficulty shopping for themselves, Lawrence emphasized that the initiative is inclusive, serving everyone in the community.

“We just want everybody to have a nice Thanksgiving,” Lawrence said.

This annual event, held at the Corner Scoop, has become a tradition for the Arizona Rangers, exemplifying their commitment to supporting local families during the holiday season.