A Benson couple is using their land to host a farmer’s market for residents to meet one another. It’s also their way of lending support to local businesses.

There really isnt anywhere for artisans, small businesses to gather to sell, and there are a lot of amazing small businesses here in town, owner of Lisa’s Loving Oven, Lisa Fladoos said.

She said she’s been relying on word of mouth for customers, but would like ways to be out in the community with her baked goods.

John and Melissa Ayoub purchased property in Benson more than a year ago and came up with a way for the community to benefit from their property.

It sat empty for a while so and then we thought you know we want to get to know the community, we wanted to be a part of the community’ and my wifes idea was ‘hey why dont we do a farmers market here’, said John Ayoub.

They have 27 vendors signed up for Saturday’s event that will be selling food, art, soap and other items.

Everybodys excited,” Ayoub said. “We had so many vendors that we actually, for this upcoming one we stopped accepting more vendors.

He said after this week they hope to be able to have more vendors, but want to see how the first market goes, and where they could add more booths.

Fladoos will be one of the vendors at the event and said she’s excited to meet some of her neighbors.

To get my business out there, meet more people out in the community, let more people in the community know that Im here,” Fladoos said. “A lot of people that Ive talked to are really excited about it fellow vendors, customers of mine.

Ayoub and his family are organizing the event, which is why John and his wife wanted there to be something for everyone. In addition the vendors, there will be bouncy houses, face painting and other kid-friendly activities.

The farmer’s market will be located in the lot behind the ‘Welcome to Benson’ sign, right off the highway, on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.