Little Free Library will be hosting a tour for both bike and book enthusiasts.

Here’s what you can expect for the tour.

This Sunday the Tour de Little Free Libraries will make stops at four different Little Free Library Locations.

The tour will cover over 10 miles and will be about two hours.

Riders are encouraged to bring books and more to share and trade at the libraries.

The tour starts at 10 a.m. at the Dunbar Springs Little Free Library, 217 W. 2nd St.

It moves on to the second stop at United Way (330 N. Commerce Loop), then to the third stop at Wakefield Elementary (101 W. 44th St.) and finally ends at the Barrio Garden Stand (700 S. 7th Ave.) in Barrio Libre.

People can finish off the tour by heading back to the starting point at Dunbar Springs or they can make a detour to Tucson Meet Yourself.

For more details, you can visit the the Tucson Tour de Little Free Library Facebook page.

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