A $30 million bridge is coming to Midvale Park, and construction will likely begin in 2026.

The bridge will cross the Santa Cruz River at Drexel as the City of Tucson hopes it will reduce traffic on Valencia and Irvington.

Theres a two mile gap between the Irvington and Valencia bridges so this bridge at Drexel will provide additional route options,” project manager Patrick Hartley said.

The Midvale Park neighborhood hopes the bridge will help, and not hurt them.

The people who are for it say I can get to work, to where I need to go more quickly,” neighborhood association president Joe Miller said. “The people against it understand those problems exist, but say theyre just going to be right here.

The bridge will connect busy streets east of the river to quiet neighborhoods on the west side of the Santa Cruz, setting up conflict between what’s convenient, and whats best for the area.

Miller says people in Midvale Park are worried more traffic and a bridge could decrease property values, decrease pedestrian safety, and disrupt bike paths. He also says there is a concern homeless people will begin to live under the new bridge.

The city has held two informational meetings for the public and plans to continue communicating with areas that will be impacted by the bridge.

Well be working closely with those neighborhoods to see how those concerns can be addressed,” Hartley said.

All so that the bridge can benefit, and not be a detriment to the community.

This bridge will be fully in Midvale Park. It should be for us and by us,” Miller said.

You can submit your opinions on the bridge project on the city’s project website.