The rainy season in Tucson means frequent road closures, but with the tail end of Hurricane Hilary approaching Pima County, there are even more risks to public safety.

That’s when the city activates Operation Splash.

We have crews on standby 24 hours a day, seven days a week ahead of any storm that is forecast,” said Erica Frazelle with the Tucson Department of Transportation and Mobility.

Something were doing for this event in particular is we are monitoring the national weather service. We are a part of those briefings, so that way were prepared and we can share what is expected with our staff as well.

TDOT teams will put up about 500 barricades over the dip crossings throughout town, which can fill with rushing water and become dangerous quickly.

Frazelle said it only takes two feet of water to wash away most vehicles, and urges everyone to steer clear of flooded areas even if it looks safe from a distance.

You dont know the condition of the roadway, there may be debris in the roadway,” she said. “So our crews are ensuring that before they open the roadway back to the traveling public, that its safe for all motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians to go through.

Recent storms in the county have left extensive damage to homes, schools and cars.

Frazelle said the city has a solution to help protect people’s property: 23 yards of sand.

Tucson residents can take up to ten bags of sand to lay around their homes, but must bring their own shovel.

Sand can be collected at the east parking lot at Hi Corbett Field.

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