A flourishing garden has taken root at the Devon Gables Rehabilitation Center. What sets this garden apart is not only its beauty but the extraordinary fact that Jerel Myers, legally blind for over two years, single-handedly conceived and built this sanctuary.

Jerel Myers shared with KGUN 9’s Bri Pacelli the inspiring story of his journey and the therapeutic haven he created amidst darkness.

“I didn’t care about even living, Myers expressed.

These were Myers’ thoughts upon arriving at Devon Gables Rehabilitation Center, having suffered a stroke due to extremely high blood pressure. The consequences of his condition led to a profound loss of vision.

“When I came here, it was like I was at the bottom of a pool, and everybody was standing outside the pool. I could see movement, shapes, but if there was light, I was just completely blind,” Myers explained.

Finding peace in the outdoors, Myers stumbled upon a neglected space behind the facility. Over the course of a year and a half, he transformed the weed-filled area into a flourishing garden.

“My vision is better at night. I see things better, and, you know, I would always scratch out the designs on the ground. I could see it better at night,” Myers shared.

Remarkably, Myers handcrafted every element of the garden, from the stone walkway to the meticulously designed features. Using only a butter knife, he sketched patterns into the ground and turned the soil, one rock at a time.

For Myers, the act of building this garden was not just a physical endeavor but a journey towards inner calm. “I’m trying to improve. Im trying to look more positive towards the future,” he expressed.

Driven by a desire to share his sacred space with the community, Myers explained, “If I can make somebody smile, laugh, or be at peace, that makes me feel good.”

Myers hopes to inspire others with disabilities to pursue their goals.