Charges will not be brought against Pima County Correctional Officers after the death of an inmate in 2022.

Body cam footage released by the county had shown officers tazing and using force against 37-year-old Wade Welch.

John McMahon, a deputy chief of the Los Angeles Police Department assisted the county in the investigation of whether excessive force was used.

He determined the sheriffs correctional officers acted within policy when dealing with Welch.

His findings led Pima County Attorney Laura Conover to say there wasnt enough evidence for her to bring charges in this case.

We will not be seeking criminal charges,” Conover said.

In a press conference Downtown, the county showed the video of what happened the night Welch died.

The officers’ actions are proportionately in response to what Mr. Welch is doing,” McMahon said while playing the body cam footage.

County Attorney Conover added the tasers and use of force by the officers were not found as one of the four causes of death in his autopsy.

The autopsy report lists four causes of death,” Conover said. “Physical resistance, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and methamphetamine toxicity.

Conover said she was heartbroken by Welchs death but that her decision today was strictly guided by the law.

We cant be influenced by emotion. We have to get it right,” Conover said.

Welch’s family and the Pima County Sheriffs Office were not immediately available to comment on the decision.