Aaron Hart, a beloved physical education teacher at DeGrazia Elementary, has won the Extra Yards for Teachers Grant, and is set to be recognized at the 2023 Barstool Arizona Bowl on Dec. 30.
As part of the grant, Hart will be awarded $1,000 which he can use for things, such as projects, classroom technology and supplies.
DeGrazia held a special assembly to surprise Hart with the award in front of all of the staff, and the students he teaches every day.
His colleagues praised his engaging lessons and his daily tradition of fist-bumping students.
Harts’s nomination letter stated:
Mr. Hart impacts each and every student at DeGrazia twice per week with his fun-filled lessons. He gets their blood pumping in both indoor and outdoor activities. He teaches our students how to play games that transfer to our recess times as well. Mr. Hart sees students in the hallways, cafeteria, after school, etc. He always has a fist bump for students and does it with a smile and encouraging word at all times. He literally is the most famous teacher on campus! Mr. Hart has been a classroom teacher before so he values the connections he can make with students and sees the importance of his “special” class in keeping kids engaged in school. He’s truly a special person and teacher!
Beyond the grant money, Hart gets two tickets to the bowl game, along with 20 other Southern Arizona teachers.