A Douglas city council member says the council broke open meeting laws last week, and he’s filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s office.

Jose Grijalva, who represents Ward 6, and two other council members submitted signatures to have an item added to the agenda, but they say they weren’t allowed to speak about it.

I decided to file the complaint because I felt the three council members didnt have their voices heard as our charter and municipal code allows,” Grijalva said. “Everybody saw how our voices are handled and reallythis is just my two centshow they protect each other at city hall.

The agenda item called for the discussion and removal of the ‘City Treasurer’ title from the Deputy City Manager, and moved it be given to the Finance Director. Grijalva said for the last ten years the financial director has been acting as treasurer, which is one of the reasons he wanted the title removed.

Ive had signatures on the agenda, Ive done this process before,” he said. “It was never questioned. It was never treated the way it was treated.

During the Aug. 6 meeting the mayor and the City’s Cttorney addressed the topic but the council members did not have that chance.

I felt it was the most nontransparent way that it could have been handled” Grijalva said. “I understand mayor’s point of view but he could have still brought it up to discussion, heard our grievances, heard our ‘why’ in public, why we brought it up.

Mayor Donald Huish wasn’t available to speak with KGUN but sent a statement, addressing the situation:

“I was made aware that Council Member Grijalva has reached out to the Attorney General’s Office regarding his concerns about this issue, and it is certainly his right to do so. Obviously, if the Attorney Generals Office asks for further information based on Council Member Grijalvas concerns, the City will respond accordingly. “This item was included as an addendum to the agenda based on a formal written request made by three councilmembers just before the 24-hour posting requirement and was received without any background information. It was added to the already published agenda as requested. The language of the requested agenda item was limiting and not aligned with the process set forth in the City Charter related to the appointment of the City Treasurer. “During the meeting, I called the agenda item, explained my concern related to the language in the City Charter and encouraged a future agenda item to discuss the City Treasurer position in a general nature. “I did not entertain a motion because, given the requested language of the agenda item, I felt doing so would be in violation of the process set forth in the City Charter. I have consulted with our legal team and am confident that this item was handled in accordance with Arizona State Statute and Douglas City Charter. “I look forward to discussing this item when it can be placed on the agenda in a way that will provide background information so that the public and council members can be fully informed of the intent of such discussion prior to the meeting.”

Grijalva said he plans to have the discussion item put on a future agenda item so the public can hear his reasons why he wants the change.