Pima JTED offers career and technical education to high school students across the Tucson area. It is a public school district that students can attend on top of their traditional high school. Programs range from cosmetology to veterinary science.

On Sept. 28, about 90 of its students spent their day at Trail Dust Town. The all-day event aimed to improve students leadership skills and teach them how they can help other students from their own high school campuses who may also be interested in career and technical education.

Sunnyside High School senior Xiomara Hoyos Palafox is currently enrolled in the Medical Assistant program at Pima JTED and has plans to attend the University of Arizona next fall. She is excited to help and guide students who may also be considering going down a similar path and said she was learning how to do so at the event.

Im just learning how I can represent that through small talks and being like, hey, you should join this program because its hands-on. If you learn visually this program is perfect for you or if you learn more from reading, this program is perfect for you.I think its good to be able to encourage young minds, Hoyos Palaofox said.

Hoyos Palafox also explained the importance of being a strong leader who is always willing to learn and help.

One thing Ive always believed is that Im never better than someone. There is always someone who is going to know more, do more than I can. Its good to be able to look at your team and say, I stand with you, not in front of you. So through this leadership skill, I think I will be able to help other people.