When the temperatures dip below 40, many plants may start showing signs of distress or damage. Casey Johnson, the assistant manager at a local nursery called Harlow Gardens, said it’s important to look at the color that the plants are showing.

“A lot of time you’ll start to see a purple or red hue,” he said. “That means it’s kinda at the end of it’s cold tolerance.”

So the best way to keep plants warm during the winter is to cover them and place them in the warmest part of the yard.

“When you’re getting those plants to begin with, plan in your yard what the warmest and coldest spots are,” he said.

Covering the plant with a frost cloth or a old bed sheet will help keep the plant warm, but the cloth has to be touching the ground surrounding the plant. It’s also important to put stakes in the ground to keep the cloth from crushing the plant.

“The biggest thing with the frost cloth is that it needs to touch the ground because it’s catching the heat coming out of the ground,” he said.

And if there is damage from the frost, he encourages people to not trim or prune the plant just yet.

“Leave it on there until the last possible chance of frost to happen because that dead growth can help protect the plant further,” he said.