Valentine’s Day generates a lot of money for local businesses. But it can also generate money for scammers.

The FBI is asking those looking for love to protect themselves from being scammed. Officials say there’s been an increase in romance scams and that they frequently prey on seniors.

“In Arizona, in 2022, there was over $25 million worth of romance scams. That’s not including any other scam that might come from dating websites or other locations,” Paul Sparke, FBI Supervisor Special Agent said. “But specifically, scams that were targeting individuals for love. It was over $25 million.”

Some of the signs that you’re being targeted, includes someone saying they love you way too soon, someone who asks for money or someone who wants to give you money to pay for things.

Another red flag is if they make plans to meet you but cancel because of an emergency.

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, you can file a complaint with the Attorney General’s office. It is also recommended that you talk with your bank if you feel you have been targeted.

For more information on how you can avoid being scammed, click here.