Dr. Foster recommends getting a mammogram once a year after you turn 40.About one in eight women will develop breast cancer in their life according to the CDC.Changes regarding mammograms, X-ray examinations of the breast to screen for cancer, have been proposed by the FDA.RELATED: US requires new info on breast density with all mammograms“I just can’t believe how fast it grew,” said Christina Canez.Christina Canez is a breast cancer survivor.“I’m done, I just feel like there’s something more,” said Canez.She finished her last round of radiation last week.“It’s awesome– a new, it’s a new beginning,” she said.Canez had a lump in her right breast.“I just disregarded it because like I said, I was taking care of my dad with his cancer, so I just kept saying it was gonna go away,” Canez said.After a mammogram and a biopsy, she was able to catch it at stage two. She said it felt like a bad bruise.“Like somebody punched you and it’s just a bruise that keeps getting bigger and bigger and does not go away,” said Canez.Medical Director for Banner University’s Breast Program, Doctor Nova Foster, said even if you have a negative mammogram, you should always be cautious if you feel a lump.“A lot of people feel like ‘oh if I have a negative mammogram, I must be fine’, but that isn’t always the case, especially in women who have dense breasts,” said Dr. Foster.Dr. Foster said dense breast tissue can make it harder to detect cancer in a mammogram.Dense breast tissue is also considered a risk factor in developing cancer. These are two of the reasons why the FDA said they are requiring every state to notify patients after their mammograms if they have dense breast tissue.“The important thing is what they can do with that information —they can talk to their doctor about, ‘do I need additional screening?’” said Dr. Foster.From a cancer patient to a cancer survivor, Canez said the importance of education and listening to your body could mean the difference between life and death.“Just do it once a year, like you’re supposed to, just do it. It’s so easy. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s so easy. It’s better than being sick,” Canez said.