Last week we took you inside Chef Doug Levy’s kitchen at Feast and showed you how to make his simple 5 ingredient panisse with chickpeas and cauliflower.

I wanted to know what the innovative chef’s go-to comfort food is and it turns out, it’s one a certain orange feline would approve of.

“Comfort food for me I think will have to be my childhood favorite: lasagna. Big hearty casserole. I make it differently, right? Fresh pasta, and we’ll make ricotta from scratch, the whole nine yards. You know, just a simple hearty pasta dish is great for me.”

And Doug has another unique twist to share. His recipe didn’t come from his mom or grandma…

“I think it’s our neighbor’s recipe. Our Sicilian neighbor’s recipe from when I was, you know, an infant and my folks lived across the street from the Sicilian family who shared the secrets of their lasagna.”