The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is looking into a flight attendant who tried to board a plane with a loaded .380 caliber handgun.

Officers says it happened Friday when they caught the Arizona resident while she was going through a security check.

We are always on the alert for any possible insider threats, explained TSAs Federal Security Director for the airport Gerardo Spero. Both of these were good catches on the part of our team. Flight attendants and workers inside the terminal have insider knowledge and access to areas of the airport and aircraft that could pose a serious security threat. These are excellent examples of why it remains important that airline employees and individuals who work in airports need to be screened before gaining access to secure areas of the airport.

According to the TSA, the flight attendant faces a federal financial penalty for carrying a gun to a checkpoint.

It is well known publicly that passengers are not permitted to carry their firearms through our security checkpoints, said TSAs Deputy Federal Security Director for the airport Christine Assili. But it is equally important that the public is aware that individuals who work at the airport also are not permitted to be in possession of a gun. We are equally focused on screening employees as well as travelers.

Per the government, this illegal action carries a federal civil penalty because TSA officers reserve the right to issue civil penalties to anyone bringing a gun or gun parts with them to a checkpoint.