A controversy is brewing at the University of Arizona. It started when a graphic anti-abortion display went up on campus Wednesday morning. It shows dead and bloody fetuses next to Nazi imagery and images of Rwandan genocide.
The display was organized by the group “Center for Bioethical Reform” along with UArizona College Republicans. They began planning the display in January.
UArizona College Republicans say they plan to take the display down around 5 p.m. Thursday evening.
The anti-abortion group says counter-protesters threw eggs at them Wednesday. About 200 more students showed up Thursday afternoon to protest against the display. They say it’s hate speech and the University should have taken it down.
Those counter-protesters claim the anti-abortion advocates shouted slurs at them.
KGUN 9 asked University Officials to speak with us about how groups organize a protest or display like this on the mall. They declined an interview and forwarded us this link UArizona Mall Guidelines that gives the logistical requirements for holding an event on the mall, but does not address standards of behavior.
The University’s women and gender center has opened up emergency counseling for students in response to the display.