By the looks of it, you’d think I’d never buttoned up a shirt before. Not a good sign before I try to take on a pretty technical job with Arizona Pest Control.

If this is challenging, I could be in for a real difficult day working as a pest technician.

The first step was to dig a hole in the ground to insert a termite stationa task that was harder than it looks. But I wasn’t going to give up easily.

Once I made some headway, I got into a rhythm: Empty the dirt, then back to digging.

If only I put this much work into my workouts:

But all my hard work and determination paid off, when I dug a perfect hole for my termite stationmy instructor even said so.

I ran into a few hiccups with getting the station opened, scanned and registered to clientsso, basically every part of this stepbut with a little help form an expert, got the job done.

I’m not sure if I agreed with their decision to fire me in the end, but I had no choiceguess I’m heading back to the newsroom.

If you have a job you want me to try, send me an email at