If you hear the word Benson you hear the word horseshoe, Kerrie McGowen, a waitress at the Horseshoe Cafe said. Its always had the name ‘the Horseshoe Cafe’ and its just the meeting hub of this entire town.

The Horseshoe Cafe has been a Benson business since the 1930s. As, of mid-July, Rob Hagmann is the new owner of the establishment.

It actually started as a joke between me and a couple buddies. ‘Oh you want to buy so many houses down here why dont you just buy the horseshoe’,” he said. “And then I kinda brushed off and the more I thought about it and the more it set in, it became a reality.

Jokes aside, Hagmann says he wants to continue the success the Horseshoe Cafe has seen for nearly a century.

The big feedback that were getting so far is just that theres new energy in this place,” he said. “I bring a fresh set of eyes and just the morale in here is very high. And were going to continue in that direction.

Hagmann has already made some “small” changes to the restaurant, including improving the quality of the food and the portion sizes. He said he doesn’t want to make too many changes too quickly. McGowen, says all the changes have been positive and is supportive to the staff.

The food is comfort food for a reason,” she said. “It’s made with care and its made with passion and its made with love.

Hagmann hopes to partner with local vendors and give back to the community since they are the reason the business has remained open this whole time.

If we can get our meat local, if we can get our dairy local, if we can get our produce local we can help support the community thats supported us for so long, he said.