Excessive heat warnings have been a summer trend and people have needed to find ways to beat the heatand now that includes Arizona football.

The team started its fall training camp earlier this week and wore pads for the first time on Friday, Aug. 4.

The high temperature today was 107 degrees. And the heat does not seem to be leaving anytime soon, with high temperature forecasts for this coming week all in the triple digits.

However, the high temperatures did not slow down the team at practice.

Wide receiver Montana Lemonious-Craig played for Colorado for three seasons, before entering the transfer portal and finding a new home with Arizona.

I would say once you get acclimated, its not as bad, but when you first get to it, its a different kind of heat when they say the desert,” said Lemonious-Craig. “Im from southern California, so you knownot too used to it, but it is something that you do have to get acclimated to and wont be used to at first.

Defensive lineman Orin Patu is also new to the team and said, This is my first time in Arizona and the weather is obviously hot everyday, so just making sure were drinking water and electrolytes. Our nutrition staff makes sure we get enough of that. So shout out to them.

Training staff is on-site with water bottles. The team also has fans with misters set-up at their practice.

Arizonas football season kicks off September 2 against NAU in Tucson. Tucson should be seeing slightly cooler temperatures by then.