Si se puede! one migrant man from Ecuador yells as he walks to be arrested by Border Patrol.

The migrants are on the move in Lukeville, Arizona.

Where they cross the border is miles from where they are formally processed by Border Patrol agents.

Migrants mostly said they were going to New York, Los Angeles, Chicago.

At the border wall where theyve walked from, all is quiet. Over the last two weeks, hundreds have been here every morning.

A sign either Border Patrol is processing migrants faster with the help of CBP officers, or that less migrants are crossing.

Trash blows around Organ Pipe National Monument.

Dogs and birds are there to pick up the remaining food scraps left by migrants.

After waiting at the wall all night, the three and a half mile walk in the morning is exhausting.

You have to have faith and luck to cross the border. And come prepared for everything,” Pablo Vallejo from Ecuador said.

Having faith a country theyve never been to will protect them.

God bless your country,” one man said.

Last week 18,900 migrants were apprehended in the Tucson Sector.