Its graduation month for thousands of students and families in Pima County. Today, kindergartners from Davidson Elementary School received their certificate of promotion.

One by one, Davidsons kindergarten class of 2024 marched their way to their teachers to get their certificate of promotion.

Families were anxiously waiting with their phones ready to record, making sure to get a snapshot of this special day.

Loved ones showed up with handfuls of balloons and flowers for their little graduates.

With certificates in hand, I asked a few trailblazers what theyre most looking forward to in the first grade.

Jazmine: Getting new friends.

Leonel: ‘Cause its a different school.

Evie: We get to go on field trips.

Elijah: Subtracting!

As the kids said goodbye to their friends and teachers, I also asked what theyll miss the most about kindergarten.

Evie: Teachers!

Elijah: Learning.

Jazmine: Playing and doing math.

These future leaders of America have big dreams and already know what they want to be when they grow up.

Leonel: Astronaut.

Evie: I want to be a singer when I grow up!

Jazmine: A manager!

Elijah: A firefighter!

The kids are now on their way to first grade. By the year 2036, this kindergarten class will be walking across the stage for their high school graduation.