In Lukeville, legal cross border travel has been shut down due to illegal border crossings.

The Port of Entry is closed as even more migrants were at the border wall than last week.

It’s now being used for Border Patrol to process migrants.

Last week, 17,500 people were apprehended in the Tucson Sector.

The port is shut down so CBP officers can help with the current surge.

And just east of the port, hundreds of migrants have gathered.

Including Christian Cruz from Ecuador who says it was a dangerous journey to the U.S.

I traveled through Panama. The mountains were immense. People fell. Many people died,” Cruz said.

As agents prioritize apprehending families and young kids, the single adults have to wait.

I havent eaten anything for 24 hours,” one migrant said.

Others say they have been here for five days.

The group is getting restless, and arguing with Border Patrol, as well as fighting over spots in line.

The current situation is pushing Border Patrol to the limit.

Were facing severe challenges right now,” Border Patrol agent Martin Whelan said.

He says Lukevilles remote location makes it difficult to apprehend everyone quickly.

To get them to our processing centers in Tucson is a matter of hours,” Whelan said.

But he adds that smugglers lie to migrants, and not everyone will be able to stay.

Were utilizing other sectors to help with the expedited removal process and prosecuting as many people as we can,” Whelan said.

Something Christian Cruz hopes to avoid.

My hope is to be protected,” Cruz said.

There is no timetable for when the port could reopen.