An Iowa man who left threatening voicemail messages for a Maricopa County election official and the Arizona Attorney General’s office back in 2021 today entered a guilty plea.

According to court documents, on or around Sept. 27, 2021, Mark A. Rissi, 64, of Hiawatha, Iowa said the following in a voicemail message he left for Clint Hickman, an election official with Maricopa County:

Hello Mr. Hickman, I am glad that you are standing up for democracy and want to place your hand on the Bible and say that the election was honest and fair. I really appreciate that. When we come to lynch your stupid lying Commie [expletive], youll remember that you lied on the [expletive] Bible, you piece of [expletive]. Youre gonna die, you piece of [expletive]. Were going to hang you. Were going to hang you.

Around Dec. 8, 2021, Rissi said the following in a voicemail message he left for then-Attorney General of Arizona Mark Brnovich:

This message is for Attorney General Mark Brnovich . . . . Im a victim of a crime. My family is a victim of a crime. My extended family is a victim of a crime. That crime was the theft of the 2020 election. The election that was fraudulent across the state of Arizona, that the Attorney General knows was fraudulent, that the Attorney General has images of the conspirators deleting election fraud data from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors computer system. Do your job, Brnovich, or you will hang with those [expletive] in the end. We will see to it. Torches and pitchforks. Thats your future, [expletive]. Do your job.

Assistant Attorney General Kenneth A. Polite, Jr. of the Justice Departments Criminal Division says the Election Threats Task Force will continue to hold accountable those who unlawfully threaten election workers accountable while working with partners around the country.

Im proud of Arizonas public servants who administer elections with integrity, said U.S. Attorney Gary M. Restaino for the District of Arizona. When the people speak at the ballot box, all Americans should respect their voices.

Rissi pleaded guilty to two counts of making a threatening interstate communication.

He will be sentenced on June 26 and the maximum term for each offense is five years.

A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.