16-year-old Hannah Pairretts mom says her daughter thought she was buying percocet pills from a Phoenix drug dealer.

One hour after she took them, she became unconscious.

She was a really good person. Very funny. Lit up the room when she walked in, her mom Danya Ayers described.

The dealer, Michael Allen Fox, will soon face his sentencing after some court delays.

This April, he plead guilty to knowingly selling Hannah fentanyl pills in 2019.

Ive only had to see him up close four times, tomorrow will be the fifth time. I dont want to have to look at him anymore,” Ayers said.

Ayers says the prosecution is asking for eight years behind bars.

She will appear in court Tuesday, Nov. 14 with other parents who have lost their children to overdoses, adding there are many moms like her who never had their day in court.

I want to bring some kind of justice for her and other kids. There have been so many who have died who have no justice,” Ayers said.

Ayers and the group of parents are now pushing Arizona lawmakers to punish drug dealers whose pills kill.

There are no laws in Arizona for any kind of drug-induced homicide, and we want to change that.

Sentencing is set to start at 9 a.m. on Tuesday at the Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse in Phoenix.

Read Michael Allen Fox’s indictment.

Read Michael Allen Fox’s plea agreement.