Despite the challenging weather conditions, Miracle En El Barrio’s annual toy drive, part of December’s Giving Project, celebrated its 21st year today.

For the last two decades, the holiday event has delivered Christmas gifts to more than 40,000 children in the community.

Co-founders Steve Nuez and Jon Volpe were pleased with this year’s turnout, even as the rain came down.

“Our hearts are filled with so much gratitude right now, just to see everyone weather the storm; to see the kids still show up, and to come through,” Nuez said.

Volpe underscored the collaborative effort required to make this annual event a success.

“It takes a village to make this happen, and without the entire support of the Tucson community, we wouldn’t be here today,” he said.

The event has grown into a significant Christmas celebration in Tucson, providing for more than 2,000 kids each year.

“This has turned into one of the biggest heartfelt Christmas events in Tucson,” Volpe said

“Together, we are touching the lives of these children. Together, we are putting a smile on their faces, but it takes all of us.”