Marana High School students stayed home on Friday after the effects of Thursday’s monsoon storm.
The school, as well as the Town of Marana, spent Friday cleaning up several downed trees.
“Frankly it looked like a tornado. And the tree was moving, just like we’ve never seen before,” Marana homeowner Steve Blinco said. “You know, five, six feet branches. The branches just flapping their wings out there and my wife says, I think that tree is gonna fly… I don’t know, 10 seconds later the tree fell right on top of the house.”
Blinco and his wife fortunately weren’t hurt. There home, however, suffered some damage from the Mesquite tree.
“We got damage all down Twin Peaks, power lines down,” owner of Brijer Resources Joe Chavez said. “We just got the crane, we’re working on the crane and and try to get some trees off houses and out of the roads.”
The Marana High School is feeling the brunt of the storm, from downed trees to a flooded football field and classroom. Ultimately, causing the campus to close down Friday.
“Actually, I was in class and I asked to go use the restroom and they called the shelter in place and I just started seeing the storm coming really fast,” Marana High School junior Dominic Salvador said.
Thursday afternoon, Salvador found his car in the parking lot with a tree on top of the hood.
“Already been inside the car and I looked at all the damages,” Salvador said. “The Dash has a branch kind of going into it the windshields destroyed.”
For students like Salvador, school officials hope to have the Marana High School campus back open come Monday, Aug. 21.