The City of Tucson is joining the Living Streets Alliance in recognizing the very first National Week Without Driving.

Running from Monday, Oct. 2 to Sunday, Oct. 8, the National Coalition for a Week Without Driving: America Walks, Access Living, and Front and Centered makes the Disability Mobility Initiative possible, which asks pledgers to participate in the following ways:

Using non-motorized transport, taking public transit, or walking for all or part of the week Relying on ride shares, friends, or family for all or part of the week Contacting my local and regional elected officials to let them know I care about the needs of non-drivers Sharing my experience via social media using the hashtag #weekwithoutdriving and #weekwithoutdrivingtucson Shadowing a non-driver for a day to learn about their experience Sharing experiences during the week with the alliance and national coalition

According to the Living Streets Alliance, one-third of all people living in the United States can’t drive. This pledge raises awareness for those who can’t.

The City of Tucson’s Department of Transportation and Mobility pointed out the purpose of this week long challenge is also to “embrace greener alternatives, reduce emissions and explore new ways to get around.”