There may be a New Years hangover of lost pets for the next few days.

You may enjoy New Years fireworks,

But theres a very good chance your pet does not.

Pima Animal Care Center says in past years its seen more than three hundred lost pets come in after fireworks spooked them so badly they ran away.

Michael Watson says his dogs stayed home and stayed safe but he had to spend some time comforting them when neighbors set off fireworks nearby.

You know dog is man’s best friend you know and everything has an impact on something you know loud noises dogs ears are a lot better a lot more sensitive than ours so definitely hurts them Just please be mindful. You know that there are animals out here scared, running loose or whatnot.

Pima Animal Care expects the real surge of strays to happen a day or two after New Years when hunger overcomes fear and drives the dogs out of hiding.

Kayleigh Murdock of PACC says if you see a lost animal you want to help, take a moment to get a read on it.

Does it seem like a happy, friendly pet? Does it seem like it’s going to be you know, happy go lucky, easygoing, easy to handle. That’s awesome. You can go ahead and take a hold of that pet. If it seems like maybe it’s aggressive or if it’s injured or a stray please call PACC.

The PACC website offers advice for anyone who lost or found a pet.

You can call for an officer from PACC at 520-724-5900, extension 4.

Murdock says you may recognize a neighbors pet or find the pets people have gone on social media trying to find their missing friend.