On the first day since the Lukeville border crossing has been closed port officials in Nogales have still not seen the jam-ups they feared. They feel the biggest effect could be later this week when Mexican shoppers may cancel Christmas shopping in Arizona.

In Nogales millions of dollars in value pass through the ports of entry but theres a lot of concern that flow of revenue will be choked off because the Lukeville port of entry to the West has been closed, and the concern is that will over-stress Nogales ports and slow down traffic.

Warehouses in Nogales, Ariz. stay busy with fresh produce brought across the border from Mexican farms.

Produce importer and Port Authority Chairman Jaime Chamberlain says cargo has flowed quickly because CBP has committed to keep cargo lanes well-staffed.

He says fears of delays for individuals may have already discouraged Mexican shoppers from crossing legally to spend their money in the U.S.

Chamberlain thinks delays could grow closer to the weekend when more shoppers would normally cross.

And he says while closing the Lukeville port is new, diverting inspectors to process migrants has actually been going on for more than three months.

That is something that in the business community and tourism all over the state should not be happy with. It is unsustainable to think that we can continue to take away people from our ports of entry to help with migrant processing.

CBP often says most drug smuggling happens through the ports of entry. Chamberlain says reducing staffing at the ports weakens our security by reducing the inspections that catch drug loads.

David Hathaway is a former senior Drug Enforcement agent, and current Sheriff for Santa Cruz County.

What we need is to have a cabinet-level group come down and actually look at the problems here and talk to the Chamber of Commerce. Talk to the ranchers. I’m part of a five generation ranching family. Talk to local politicians like me and actually do a comprehensive reform to the whole immigration border infrastructure process.

Both the sheriff and Jaime Chamberlain want to see more Federal resources, including immigration judges stationed right on the border to rule right away on asylum claims and send back asylum seekers who have no hope of winning their cases.