Crawford Street and Terrace Avenue in Nogales were filled with migrants every morning for months.

The Department of Emergency Management in Santa Cruz County said over 56,000 migrants have been street released since September

But now the releases are slowing down.

That’s because border patrol apprehensions have decreased, and direct pick-ups for Casa Alitas now bring migrants to Pima County.

We have changed the location to the border patrol station,” said Sobeira Castro, the Emergency Management Director.

The Nogales mayor, Jorge Maldonado, said some days there are a few left over migrants. But that number is way less than before.

Yesterday they released 20. Its not something that is happening every day,” Maldonado explained.

The peak was in November and December where on some days Castro said numbers got as high as 700 a day.

During that time county employees were on the ground assisting. With the lower numbers, they no longer have to, and can get back to work on other projects.

Were focusing on other plans and goals, like working with schools, emergency operations plans, and other projects we had in mind,” Castro said.

Mayor Maldonado says while the street releases are an extra concern for the city and county, border patrol continues to provide them timely updates on their operations.

I applaud border patrol and CBP for the job theyve done. The collaboration and communication with everyone has been great,” Maldonado said.

Even though numbers are down, a spokesperson for CBP says street releases will continue on an as-needed basis.