Since the 1960s, the Pima County Public Library “Bookmobile” has shared its collection with people across Southern Arizona.

On Wednesday, this on-the-go library made a stop at John B. Wright Elementary School, 4311 E. Linden St., in Midtown. The Bookmobile started making stops at the school in 2022, when the Martha Cooper Public Library, 1377 N. Catalina Ave., closed for renovations.

Pima County Public Library Technical Assistant Supervisor Wade Zelenak told KGUN, “Yeah, people really like it.”

Wright Elementary isn’t their only stop. Library staff says the Bookmobile also visits about 20 other locations every month, including rural areas like Sells and Picture Rocks.

“One of the things they appreciate about the bookmobile is the collection is small enough they can browse the whole collection during the length of the stop and they get exposed to things that they normally they might not see when you go to your regular branch you tend to go to your section that your favorite,” added Zelenak.

The Bookmobile plans on continuing to make stops at Wright Elementary until the Martha Cooper Library reopens in 2024.