Sunnyside Unified School District residents will be asked to vote Yes or No on propositions 498 and 499 this election.

The superintendent calls the bonds a needed increase.

Were asking for what we need. We could have gone as high as 15%. But we dont need that, Superintendent Jose Gastelum said.

Gastelum said that 498 will pay for programs needed to maintain critical positions and programs.

499 will help the district modernize buildings and replace equipment within the district.

“We want to modernize our buildings,” Gastelum says, “The average age of our buildings are 34 years old. They’re showing their age a little bit and we want to make sure we maintain the buildings.”

Propositions 498 and 499 are property tax levies. The cost of the bonds will be leveled per $100,000 dollars on house value. 498 will cost $11.35 per $100,000 and 499 will cost $9.85 per $100,000.

Yolanda Herrera’s family has lived on the Southside of Tucson for over 100 years.

Herrera tells KGUN 9 that she sees a need for the funds in her community.

I do support the override if it’s going to help protect our children, education and the safety.

Sunnyside last asked for a bond in 2019. The measure failed after not enough voters voted ‘yes’.

Herrera believes this time will be different.

We have seen the trust rebuilt with the last two superintendents, and because of that I truly believe this one will pass.

More information and details on the propositions can be found on Sunnyside’s website.