On Monday, a 35-year-old man was electrocuted while trying to install an AC unit at a local non profit. Dalton Lee was taken to the hospital, but was later pronounced dead.
The incident happened at Spreading Threads Clothing Bank off Flowing Wells Rd. and Miracle Mile. The co-founder, Michele Wright, remembered the role he played at the nonprofit.
“I met Dalton a year and a half ago and I was immediately impressed by him.”
She hired Dalton to help her get an AC installed in the building.
You hire people all the time but man, you knew he cared.”
Wright described the tragedy on Monday and how quickly it happened. The AC unit had just arrived and was ready to be carried into the building.
Wright said, in the process of it going down, placement wise he put his hand on the crane cable and what it sounds like is the crane cable came in contact with the overhead and he was electrocuted.”
That’s when things took a turn for the worst. Wright said, “I think they took him into surgery, he did survive initially but did pass away later that day.”
Dalton Lee left behind a wife and three children.
Wright recalled, When he would work his kids would be here a lot. I think he was teaching the older ones the trade.”
She described him as a family man and a wonderful husband to his wife.
Wright is working on a way to honor Dalton.
I care about his family right now. I want to do anything I can to set them up for success in the future. Anything we can do, we have a GoFundMe account for Cady and the kids.”
She wanted to make sure his memory will continue to live on, because he was more than just someone she hired. The nonprofit where the incident occurred, Spreading Threads, aimed to provide for youth in foster care.
“He was invested in these foster kids, yeah he was. He was passionate about kids that maybe didn’t have a great start but made something of themselves,” said Wright.
She said he was a man who loved his community and will be missed by many.