James De Martini Jr. lives with scoliosis, but his condition isnt stopping him from riding his bike to save money. While he cant afford to buy another car, riding his bike to the grocery store is a cheap way to offset his costs.

It went from a 150 dollar grocery bill for most of the month. Now its 260, 300 dollars, DeMartini described.

Both he and his wife live off of social security and receive $1,700 a month. In January his check, like so many other peoples social security check, will go up by more than $50.

However, with the rising costs of groceries and other everyday items, DeMartini doesnt feel like the raise will be enough.

No because the cost of living alone will be my rent increase, he said when asked about whether the raise will cover his costs.

The Social Security Administration says benefits go up when the cost of living goes up, which they say is based on inflation going up

They say in December theyre going to be mailing out letters with peoples cost of living adjustments if theyre eligible and theyre also going to be saying how much people are getting.

On average, the Bureau of Labor Statistics says people paid almost 4 percent more for everyday items in the past 12 months.

Bert Anthony Brownrigg lives in the same mobile home park as DeMartini and said he lost his faith in the Social Security Administration after they said he owes money back.

I need to know what my incomes going to be every month before I can pay my bills on time, so its been a real headache, Brownrigg said.

While he feels like hes going to qualify for the raise, he said it wont be enough to fight rising costs.

Medicare is going to go up is what theyre telling me up, so its going to go up on Medicare, so its just going to take it away, Brownrigg said.