Monsoon may be coming to a close, but many residents throughout this summer lost power various times.

TEP said today starting around 5 in the morning, more than 800 customers in the Foothills near Campbell and Skyline were affected by a power outage.

Over fifty customers went at least 14 hours without power after the outage started. TEP said they are expecting to have the power back on in the Foothills neighborhood around 12:30 A.M.

One resident KGUN9 spoke with said she only went without power for about an hour and a half.

Down the street Mike Bishop said he went half the day without power and outages can be tough for his family.

We homeschool so its difficult for us because we cant get online and we cant do a lot of the stuff along the lines of the kids. And then you worry about, right now its a cool day, but this like the fourth time weve lost power in this area this summer, Bishop said.

Another resident in the area we spoke with tells us she can lose power at her house every two to three weeks during the summer.

An employee at Orange Grove Middle School, Chris Blauert, said the school also lost power around 6 in the morning but it was on by the time school started.

Its usually at night or on the weekends, but it actually does happen quite frequently but we dont usually have disruptions for classes, Blauert said.

She said during monsoon, they usually have more power outages and said this year it has happened around a dozen times.

However, by the time she goes to work she said the power is usually back on.