Carlos Gamarra Gonzalez came into the U.S. by using the CBP One app at the Nogales port of entry.

Klever Toaquiza came into the U.S. by illegally crossing the border in Lukeville.

Still, both were released with a future court date.

Gonzalez said it took four months to get an asylum appointment at the port.

They asked me if I had family here, what my process was like, and how long the wait was,” Gonzalez said.

Now, he will try and prove to the government he should be able to stay here

They gave me a court date in November 2024,” he said.

Toaquiza’s papers, given to him by Border Patrol, say he was arrested in Lukeville on December 23.

He says crossing there was dangerous.

The border is controlled by the mafia. The coyotes helped me cross the border. I had to pay $450. If you do not pay they will kidnap you or kill you,” Toaquiza said.

Even though he crossed illegally, he also has a court date next year.

I will present my case and hopefully they give me some time here because that is what I want,” Toaquiza said.

Both men hope their future in the United States will be better than the countries they left behind.

I left Venezuela because of the bad economic situation. Im going to New York where my brother is and I hope to work,” Gonzalez said.

All around the world, there are good people, and bad people. I believe I am on the good side. I came for my opportunity,” Toaqiza said.