Throughout the early run of this series, KGUN9 has enjoyed a light lunch and a filling dinner. Now it’s time to start the day with a breakfast on the go.

Two kitchen team members at Yellow Brick Coffee showed how they make their savory bacon and egg bagel sandwich. As a finished dish, the sandwich is simple but good.

From the other side of the front counter at the Country Club location, baker Jade Moore said it starts with the bread base: a toasted everything bagel made by local artisans and infused with Tucson flavor.

“We’re going to serve it on Bubbe’s bagels,” Moore said. “They’re really good!”

For this recipe, Moore said she relies on muscle memory to drop an egg in the hot pan. “I crack a lot of eggs, and then when you’re baking, you crack a lot more eggs,” Moore said.

If you keep your eyes on the small bacon strips, you will notice Moore likes to fry them old-school-style. “I really like to fry it in the fat of the previous bacon,” she said. “That’s what really gives it that diner feel, that hearty, fill-you-up sort of feel.”

Once the hot ingredients were ready, Moore passed the plate to cook Serafina Kelly. She built the rest of the sandwich by adding salt and pepper, cream cheese and the first touch of green.

“To add a little bit of freshness, (we use) our homemade (avocado) mas which includes our own house-made seasoning as well as fresh lime juice,” she said.

Then, it was time to lay the tomato slices and arugula; the fried egg and bacon strips go on top. “Stacking order is pretty important,” Kelly said, “because if you were to put hot components on top of the vegetables, that can cause them to kind of wilt. A lot of times, I want the cream cheese to touch the bacon and the egg, and then have the veggies below touching our avocado.”

The bagel sandwich was hot, ready to eat and sliced to share. “A little messy but definitely worth it in the morning,” Kelly said.

A step-by-step recipe:

(1) bagel with everything seasoning (sample used Bubbe’s Bagels) Slice and toast to desired char (1) egg Fry in pan as bagel toasts (2) bacon strips, cut in half Cook pieces in separate pan & oil Once three hot ingredients are ready, move to board to assemble sandwich Spread cream cheese on top bagel slice Season with salt & pepper Spread mashed avocado on bottom bagel slice (1) tomato Slice and lay over avocado spread Handful of arugula Layer on bottom bagel slice Stack bacon strips over arugula Stack fried egg over bacon Close sandwich with top bagel half with cream cheese