Tucson Electric Power (TEP) is set to construct Arizonas largest battery energy system, called Roadrunner Reserve. This system will have a massive 200-megawatt system that can store 800 megawatt hours of energy, equivalent to powering 42,000 homes for four hours. The construction of this system is set to begin in the summer of 2025 and will be built in southeast Tucson, near Vail.

TEP stated the system will charge during the productive morning and afternoon solar periods as well as deliver stored energy during peak demand, bringing low-cost solar energy to customers.

According to TEP’s 2020 Integrated Resource Plan, this new system will reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent and add up to 1,400 MW of energy storage by 2035. On top of the most recent additions of renewable resources, Roadrunner Reserve will expand, making for a greener grid.