Testimony is over now in the trial of a man charged with killing University of Arizona hydrology professor Dr. Thomas Meixner. The case goes to the jury next week.
Murad Dervishs own lawyers concede he shot and killed Professor Meixner. Theyre working to convince the jury Dervish is Guilty Except Insane. That verdict would confine Dervish to a psychiatric hospital instead of prison.
In closing testimony, Dervish defense re-called a psychologist who testified earlier. He concluded Dervish was so insane he did not know it was wrong at the moment he shot Meixner.
The prosecution brought in mental health professionals who said Dervish might have mental illness, but still knew the difference between right and wrong.
Testimony concludes in trial for 2022 on-campus killing of Dr. Thomas Meixner
Judge Harold Fell has set closing arguments for Monday afternoon with jury deliberations to start Tuesday.
KGUN 9 will continue its coverage of the Murad Dervish trial next week.