Where and how we work has been changing-and employers have been having trouble recruiting new workers. Now the Town of Sahuarita is trying a different sort of work week as a way to attract more workers.

To try to attract more good employees Sahuarita is trying a 4 day week.

Town workers will still be scheduled to the usual 40 hours work week but itll be split into four ten hour days instead of the usual five eights.

Town residents like Janet Saucedo say it sounds like a good idea.

I think it’s great. That way people can have more family time.

The town will try the four day week for a year starting on August 28th.

The hope is the change will Improve morale, boost productivity, improve recruitment and improve access to town services.

Town Hall will be closed Fridays but be open earlier and later Mondays through Thursdays in a way that may make it easier for residents to do business with the town before or after their work hours.

Cindy Bergeron says, I were still in the workforce, I’d definitely go for that. It would be nice to have three days; one a business day so I can do business.

Val Valle says he switched his landscaping business to four tens about eight years ago.

He thinks offering a four day week really does help recruit good workers.

The guys like it and I have time to repair my equipment and stuff like that soon a Friday, or work on my honey-do list, you know?

KGUN reporter Craig Smith asked: So youre not doing a four day week it sounds like.

Val: No,no,no.

The town expects the cost of the schedule switch to be neutral, no more or less than staffing costs now.