The Light Up Navajo program started in 2019, and Trico Electric Cooperative is the first cooperative in Arizona to participate.

Navajo houses without power can now have electricity thanks to the Light Up Navajo mutual help program.

Nearly 14,000 of the about 55,000 houses in the Navajo Nation are still without electricity, according to the American Public Power Association.

They make up 75% of all the powerless homes in the United States.

Concern for Community and Cooperation Among Cooperatives are two of seven principles that non-profit cooperatives like Trico live by.

As part of the Light Up Navajo program, Trico employees Bryan English, Joe Tsethlikai, Tyler Hornung, and Conor Garcia spent a week in Chinle, Arizona, next to Canyon de Chelly National Monument, bringing electricity to the town.

It was a wonderful experience, said Joe Tsethlikai, a Journeyman Lineman at Trico for 16 years. Being half-native, Im glad I got the opportunity to help, he said. Until they have electricity, they dont have access to basic necessities that we take for granted, such as water, ice to keep their food cold, telephones, internet, or indoor plumbing.

Tsethlikai said it was an eye-opening experience despite the extensive effort, the work was rewarding after seeing the impact on people’s lives personally.

Trico plans to return to the Navajo Nation again next year to extend electricity to more homes.

Providing reliable electricity to those who need it has been at Tricos core for over 75 years said Brian Heithoff ,Trico CEO/General Manager, Our team that worked on this project exemplifies Tricos commitment to service and were honored to be able to help.