Tucson siblings Cory Konold, 28, and Felicia Konold, 29, pleaded guilty Wednesday to a felony charge for their actions during the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a U.S. Attorney’s Office news release.

Cory Konold and Felicia Konold pleaded guilty to obstruction of law enforcement during civil disorder and aiding and abetting, a felony, before U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly in the District of Columbia. They are scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 24, 2024.

The Konolds were arrested on Feb. 11, 2021, in Arizona.

According to court documents, on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, Cory and Felicia made contact with a group of men that included co-defendants William Chrestman, Christopher Kuehne, Luis Enrique Colon, and Ryan Ashlock, all of whom were members of the Proud Boys from the Kansas City area. After joining with the Kansas City Proud Boys, the Konolds followed the men to the National Mall, where they joined with a larger group of Proud Boys members and associates from around the country.

The Konolds then followed the large Proud Boys group as it marched across the National Mall and in the streets near the U.S. Capitol. The group ultimately reached the west side of the Capitols grounds, outside of the restricted, fenced-off perimeter of barricades guarded by uniformed U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) officers. At that location, the Konolds, Proud Boys, and other individuals gathered outside the barricades and chanted phrases including Whose Capitol? Our Capitol!

Shortly before 1 p.m., members of the crowd breached the line of barriers and surged toward the Capitol building. The Konolds made their way to the front of the crowd and became some of the first rioters to trample over the toppled barricades. The siblings then made their way inside a restricted area.

The Konolds remained in this area despite being commanded by the USCP and Metropolitan Police Department officers to disperse. The two remained in close contact with co-defendant Chesterman, who made various efforts to instigate the crowd and oppose police efforts to quell the riot. Near the base of the erected inaugural scaffolding, the Konolds and other members of the crowd came up against another line of police attempting to hold a series of barricades. Members of the crowd were trying to break through the line by force; however, the Konolds, Chrestman, and others opposed this effort, using the force of their bodies to try to push back the barriers and officers. Eventually, the Konolds made their way to the base of the Capitol building and onto the Upper West Terrace. The siblings illegally entered the Capitol building via the Senate Wing Door at approximately 2:25 p.m.

Once inside, The Konolds made their way into the Crypt. Here, the two witnessed a crowd of rioters prevent police from closing a large metal barrier, which would have prevented rioters from progressing further. After witnessing this incident, the Konolds progressed into the Capitol Visitor Center and eventually exited the building via the Senate Wing Door. While inside the building, Cory Konold took possession of a USCP riot helmet. He brought the helmet home with him, and a family member later voluntarily turned it over to law enforcement at the defendants direction.